[VRChat World] Comfy Place (PC ONLY/NO QUEST)
『~Comfy Place~』
VRChat World 3.0 made in Udon
✩~ Mirror: High ~ Cutout
✩~ Video Player: Emissions Slider& ColorHue Slider
✩~ Games: Drinking Roulette ~ Billiard ~ Cardgame
✩~ Custom objects: Dices ~ Drinks ~ Stuffed animals ~ Much Decoration & Probs
✩~ Snow Particle
✩~ Fire Particle
✩~ LED Particle
✩~ Glass Rain Shader
✩~ Much Vegetation and Plants
✩~ Working real-time Clock
✩~ Curtain Control: Window ~ Bed
✩~ Launge Mode: Beanbage& Pillows ~ Couch ~ Pool
✩~ Custom World Sounds [Slider] : Rain&Thunder ~ Fireplace/ Stack ~ Clock ticking
✩~ Post Processing [Slider] : Brightness ~ Temperature ~ Saturation ~ Contrast ~ ColorHue
If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to join my discord server. I would be very happy to help you there <3 Discord: https://discord.gg/VYSzvEZfvV
and if you are satisfied with your purchase please let me see it with a rating c:
No paid assets or prefabs are required. All extensions are freely available, like the _poiyomi toon shader!
*Terms of Use*
This World allows the following actions・Personal Use / Upload to VRChat as a private World
1. You are not allowed to take parts of this World to use on your own.(commercial use)
*This means you can use parts of the world in other projects as long as they belong to you, not get sold or shared, and will only be uploaded for personal use / as a private World!*
2. You cannot sell parts from this World.
3. You are not allowed to redistribute or sell this World in any way.
4. You are not allowed to make your upload public.
5. You are not allowed to make edits of this World and upload it to your friend's account.
6. You are not allowed to give out the package, World, or any parts from this World. Personal use only!
MerlinVR -USharpVideo | VRCBilliards -vrcbce [VRCBilliardsCE] | UdonVR -Drinking Roulette FREE for VRChat | MerlinVR -USharpVideo | RED_SIM -Water Shader | Onpolyx -Flames Of The Phoenix | Poiyomi - _PoiyomiToonShaders | CyanLaser -CyanTrigger | acertainbluecat -VRCPlayersOnlyMirror | oneVR -VRWorldToolkit
Full World & Install Guide